Address: H-7150 Bonyhád, Gyár u. 19.

Our online


will instantly show you your profit gain.

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Kabelit Kft.

Thank you for visiting our website. Kabelit was established in 2009, when, after having acquired several years of experience in cable confectioning, we decided we wanted to pave the way for new possibilities in this field.


With the help this calculator you can quickly work out what you can gain from a long term cooperation with us.

Weight of the cable? (0,1-5 kg): kg
# of items per week? (100-10.000 pcs.): pcs.
Processing time of one cable harness? (0,5-30 min): min
Your location's distance from H-1750 Bonyhád? (300-1.500 km): km
Your hourly rates? (14-35 €):
Your total savings [€/Year]:
Is it worth to outsource our cable assembly production to Kabelit?


To get the exact calculation, please contact us at (email).

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